Home Resources Support

We support what we release!

Red Hat support

If you are a customer of Red Hat and you experience any issues or need extra functionality in Red Hat products, please use the standard communication channels to request Red Hat support. We recommend using the Red Hat Customer Portal.

Community support

The OpenSCAP ecosystem is a group of people working towards a common goal. We support each other on a best-effort basis. If you have an issue, you can use one of the community support channels to get help.

Mailing List

The mailing list is used to discuss issues, request features, announce new releases and more. We heavily recommend prospective community members to sign-up.


The serverfault.com question-answering website has an openscap tag available. If you have an account there, ask a question, tag it with openscap, and let the community answer it.

IRC – Online Chat

Feel free to join our Libera.Chat IRC channel #openscap. Discussion topics include all the OpenSCAP projects — both tools and content. If you don’t have an IRC client running the easiest way to join is using the Web IRC client.

GitHub Issues

Creating a GitHub Issue is the best way to report a bug. All of the OpenSCAP projects allow users to create issues — see the OpenSCAP Issues page for an example.

A link to the correct bug tracker for each OpenSCAP tool is listed in the Tools page.

Do you think that you found a bug on our website? Please, help us to improve and create an issue on Github

We only recommend direct bug reporting to our more experienced community members. Very often it is difficult to pinpoint which project contains the bug in question. In these cases, consider using the mailing list or IRC first.
